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  • Mga of the Week : August 10, 2010
  • Vocabulary :
  • subterfuge - something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity.
  • Quote :
  • Some people never grow old enough to be mature.
  • Thursday, November 03, 2005


    It will be here that I would try to squeeze my mind on any subject that I may think is seen by others as hallucinations, illusions or whatever.

    Everyone who has access to the technology at hand a few years back, say twenty years ago, would consider this surreal. Technology, especially the Internet, is just a dream a couple of decades ago. When the gossip of internetworking came, it was assumed to be fiction.

    As I ponder on things I consider impossible before which are now turning into reality, I cannot wait for the time when we all can fly, that is, individually, like Superman (well, he's still my hero). A dream, perhaps, hallucination, maybe. But is there any limitations now that we already experience the impossible made possible (by any means).

    I can only think vaguely of the things which were considered miracles as written on some books I have not read. You see, I only hear of them, from the old generations and from the conversations I overhear when people debate about religion.

    The universe is governed by laws, some already discovered, but most have yet to be touched. We studied about the sun going around earth (or does it?). During that time, it was a struggle between reality (the world revolves around the sun) and what is actually seen (the sun travels from east to west hence the sun revolves around the world).

    You may consider these, old stories but the thing I'm establishing here is reality. What is it? Is it what we have today? What we see today is perceived as real (or is it?). There is a saying "to see is to believe". Then it was rebuked that not all truth is seen (or was it).

    What is happening to the world in terms of terrorism and poverty? Terrorism is almost always in the eye of those in power. Who is powerful is the one who determines who are the terrorists (or are they?). Poverty in Africa or anywhere else is always the cause for some organizations. Yet, it is in this reality that their group receive fundings. They shout for the elimination of poverty yet they are hoping it would continue so that funds will flow. This is reality (or is it?)

    Kids nowadays, don't consider themselves lucky because of these advancement in technology. Parents are happy that their kids can read at an early age of two. But isn't this reality, that kids nowadays, no matter what education you give will still go away from the mores and moral standards that their parents proudly possess. How does these kids differ from their parents? The reality is the world is fast revolving and turning that it may come back to its original state long before mankind will realize it (or is it?)

    Alchemists before are being considered as witches because of unexplained talents and intelligence. Today any unexplained phenomenon is considered a hoax, an illusion, magic. There are a few claimed miracles here and there, but these too are subjected to tests for authenticity. This is the reason why morality is also scarce nowadays, miracles are also scarce. There are no more mirrors in which the moral community can face. Religious organizations would want to keep these mores intact but its the same institution who are subjecting the population to accept the opposite. We equate population explosion to poverty yet many are still teaching "go to the world and multiply". Isn't this contradictory (or is it?)

    Laws are made to be followed. Rules are supposed to serve as guide. Regulations are created for control. Ordinances are promulgated to limit abuse. But these are the ones that are used to defend a wrong motive.

    An example... An anti-smoking ordinance which says that an establishment should not tolerate smoking but may have an area for smokers. They get away with it, they have a room for smokers, a whole lot bigger than that of non-smokers. It still follow the law but its purpose is the opposite. This is reality. Anywhere in the world, conflicting laws are present in any county or nation. Just for the power-hungry to have always the law on their side.

    Efforts to close the gap between the rich and the poor is futile. These people are the once igniting the ever-widening space. These people are the atheists who thank God for their actions.

    We are living on a real world. A world where anything you think can materialize. A planet where a sneeze is considered a blessing. I am sick (or am I?). The world is full of opposites but opposites attract each other. A war is a blow to ones economy yet it strengthens the suppliers pocket. Medicines to cure diseases are created at the expense of other millions who suffer as the guinea pigs.

    This is the real world as we see it today. Can it ever change into the world the good spirits cherish? If it were to change, can technology help in the process? How can the internet be a medium for such change? Or are we hallucinating that changes can be achieved for the better? These are the questions that many are pondering, the good use of the net.

    Do you dream of the net having a face, an arm, a foot. Everyone is talking about the net, but it cannot be seen, it cannot be touched, it cannot be smelled. Are we just limiting ourselves into believing that the net is just a medium?

    Come on, open your mind, open your hearts, be involved, express your thoughts, be a blogger (or would you be?)

    This is my first attempt at releasing anything that comes to mind...


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