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  • Some people never grow old enough to be mature.
  • Monday, December 19, 2005

    Card Magic

    This is my very first card trick which uses mathematical calculations. If followed it can be easily deduced but at the moment of performance seem to dumbfound the spectators. Enjoy.

    Effect: Three persons aremade to get each a card in which they memorize. The performer deals three piles and holds a fourth packet. The guests are made to place their respective cards in the each piles and covered with some packets from the other piles. The cards are dealt and eventually the last three cards are the ones taken by the spectators.

    Have three people each select a card without showing it to you. Tell them to memorize their card.
    Deal one pile of 10 cards face down. Next to it deal a pile of 15 cards, and next to that deal another 15-card pile. Keep the remaining 9 cards in your hand. Have the first person put his (or her) card on top of the 10-card pile, cut as many cards as he wants from the second pile, and put them on his card. Have the second person put her card on the second pile, cut as many cards as she wants from the third pile, and put them on top of her card. Have the third person put his card on top of the third pile, hand him the 9 cards you're holding, and have him place them on top of his card.
    Pick up the last pile, put it on the middle pile, and put both on the first pile. Make clear that the cards are now lost and you will find them. Take four cards off the top and place them on the bottom of the deck. Explain that you are going to flip a card up and next to it one down and keep on repeating this until you don't have cards in your hand. Tell the spectators to say "Stop" if they see their card. Deal the cards alternately into two piles, one face up and one face down, starting with the face-up pile. When all the cards have been dealt (the spectators won't see their card unless you mess up), push the face-up pile aside and pick up the other pile. Deal it into two piles in exactly the same way. Keep repeating this until you have only three cards left face down. Turn them over, and there are their cards. The top one is the third person's card, the next is the second person's card, and the bottom one is the first person's card.

    Thursday, December 15, 2005


    Everytime I visit the reunion website of our batch in high school, I would always go to the Things ENI. It is there that our achievements, firsts, lasts, baptism, etc are listed. Thanks to our very energetic classmate Nilo.

    When one think of high school, I can't imagine it without the ever-challenging CAT-1. During CAT-1 days, the things that comes to my mind first are the questions Mr. Gazo and Mr. Jordan threw to us. Questions that are sometimes practical but requires a lot of attention and wit.

    Here are a few of those:

    1. What makes oil boil?
    2. What makes you young?
    3. Em Eye crooked crooked eye crooked crooked eye pee pee eye. What is it?
    4. You were riding in a truck. If I will replace you in the truck, what will happen to the truck?
    5. Spell Mississippi with one "i".
    6. See each side by side, you are inside. What is it?
    7. If a black stone is thrown to the red sea, what will happen to the stone?
    8. Big Indian and small indian are walking in a street. Small indian is the son of big indian but big indian is not the father of small indian. Who is big indian?
    9. A man visited a prisoner and was ask by the guard on duty what's their relationship. the man said, "Brothers and sisters I have none. He is the son of my father's son." How related are they?
    10. How can you empty a mountain?
    11. Two mothers and two daughters went for a snack. They ordered one burger each together with iced tea. They were served three buns with meat and three glasses of iced tea. How can it be?

    This coming Dec. 29, 2005, our batch in high school (East Negros Institute Batch 1985) will be having our reunion after twenty long and fruitful years. It is expected to be fun and memorable as our memories of the past. Preparations for this said event had started late last year and with the effort of our beloved classmates who are so very generous of their time, the announcement had gone past boundaries. Our good friend, Mr. Nilo Agir, is the one who had been so warm and kind enough to always remind everybody. Batchmates in Tanjay, Rosemarie Mananquil, Gracia Banogon and the others made sure that this will be a great event, not just for us batchmates, but for all our loved ones. There may be others who cannot come due to some unavoidable circumstances but I'm sure, that night, their minds will be with us. Nilo and the organizing committee had so much ideas of fun and excitement. The program of activities had been planned and re-planned. There is no stopping now.

    Thanks will also be extended to our batchmates who made it to the land of milk and honey. I can't help but smile whenever I read that some friends are giving away things for the sake of their friends. It's been too long. But the time and space that separates us seem to melt and here we are, very eager to see the difference between then and now.

    Questions will be raised when we enter the door at the venue... Who has become fat? Who has remained sexy? Who have Santa bellies? there will be ooohhs and aaahhs but I'm sure the loudest would be hehehe and hahaha...

    Wednesday, December 14, 2005

    Religion or Science

    There are atheists. There are religious purists. There are scientists. What is the difference or similarity between science and religion?

    For me, science is here or will be here to explain religion. Religion had already paved the way. It's up to science to explain religion and the things which are associated with it.

    I had a good discussion with a friend the other night. We discussed about religion and what has science got to do with it. Or the other way around, what has religion got to do with science. There are those who believe in creation, I am one of them. And there are those who believe in evolution, I am one of them. So where do I really go with?

    Let's start in the notion that God created men equally. God made the heavens and the earth. He created and spread the laws of nature. He is good, honest and fair. He made man in the likeness and image of God (I am not a bible scholar here). He made all of the things conceivable in six days and on the seventh he rested. Seven good days.

    Maybe we all hear about the story of man who asked God for one centavo. He asked only a centavo because a centavo of God is worth millions here on earth. God answered, "in a second." We all know what happend next. In a second, no money had ever landed in the man's hand. He ask Him why? He answered, "If my centavo is worth a fortune, how long do you think is my second?" The man left realizing that in order to earn, he has to exert effort. And to earn more is to work for longer hours.

    It's a refreshing story. I cannot remember where I heard it but it struck me and stuck into my mind.

    As mentioned above, God made all laws. A few of these laws had already been discovered, the laws of Physics for example. These laws can somehow explain some things that happened in the bible. Think of these things, you already have the idea what they are. And there are still other things in the Bible which are still mind-boggling. And science is still in its infancy as far as discovering the natural laws of which God had created. Each day, man discovers something, be it about the laws of nature or about himself. Man has not fully understood himself yet. God created man in the likeness and image of God. But man's predisposition in life is so far away from that of God. So there is still a lot to learn about our life in earth. And this is science, psychology. It's all in the mind!!!

    Everything that we do reflects our understanding of things. Our experiences taught us differently from what we hear or read or see. Atheists focus themselves in believing that everything they do is of their own doing, human are supposed to take full responsibility for their fate and destiny. Religious leaders rests their fate in the hands of God, always there's a continuity between man and God. Scientists would like to explain his actions, in every action there is always a reaction. Aren't these three the same? Read and think again.

    If we are going to see the world from afar and from history and beyond combining the Bible and science, we may see this scenario:

    God created laws of nature. Because he is honest and fair. He made other things and subjected them to these laws. Man is created through this laws. The laws which support evolution. He created the universe in six days but not the one hundred forty-four hours that we know. God knows and expects that everything takes time because he created these laws first. Life on earth is a test or training on how we could achieve to be in His likeness and image. All these things are slowly explained by science. Yet people are still exploring for other explanations why we exist. These explanations again, if there will be any, will be within the laws of nature. The laws which are created by God and only discovered by man. There are so many laws. And these laws are not contradictory because He is fair.

    By reading this, what do you think am I? An atheist, a religious purist or a scientist?

    I am only asking. And please, ponder, look yourself up in the mirror and ask the man in the mirror, does religion and science really have to collide?

    Sunday, December 11, 2005

    Simple Rope Magic

    This was one of the first tricks I learned. 'Twas very fascinating to do in front of the audience because of its simplicity. But don't do it a second time. Again, I don;t know its originator. I would love to credit hime/her/them for this. Thanks!!!

    The Effect: The performer holds a piece of rope in his right hand. He then takes the ends together and with a little shake of the hand, he drops one end and presto, a knot has been tied!

    The secret: The rope already has a knot in one end... Tie a knot in one end of the rope. Hide this end with the knot in your hand and bring the other end of the rope up next to it. Shake your hand and say some magic words. Drop the end with the knot and it looks like you have tied a knot in the rope using one hand.


    Saturday, December 10, 2005

    In Aid of Legislation

    Every morning I keep tuned to one of the AM stations which tackle current events in the Philippines. Almost every morning and as can be read in the newspapers and magazines, issues about senate and congress investigations on allegations ranging from illegal numbers game to election fraud are always in the headlines.

    All these political heads in both congress and senate call people left and right to testify and refute issues, all for the reason - IN AID OF LEGISLATION!

    The issue of jueteng (what the heck, I don't know its spelling) has been on and off the senate court. These days, the Garci issue. But then again, sometime in the next few days, another issue will came up and another batch of witnesses will appear. It's like Pinoy Big Brother, each week , a new assignment is laid out.

    Reading behind the lines would create an impression of having issues to hide the impending issues which are grabbing the headlines. All in all, the senate and congress only starts the investigation IN AID OF LEGISLATION but no conclusions are made. And if there were any conclusions, if they feel that they have to resurrect the issue, they can. They would just re-open the investigation and summon new and renewed witnesses all IN AID OF LEGISLATION.

    Everytime an opposition feel that they have been put into a defensive stance, a new issue will be ordered for investigation focusing on the administration. And vice-versa, all IN AID OF LEGISLATION. They do the Chacha (not Charter Change). It's a concerted effort. They are mudslinging, exposing their dirty butts and smelly belly buttons all IN AID OF LEGISLATION.

    But alas! I have not heard of any law or something to that effect that is related to the investigations that they have. Up to this date, there is no law on jueteng, no effective bills on counter-terrorism or software piracy or election fraud. Yet they always conduct investigations and spends almost the entire sessions and the entire budget all in AID OF LEGISLATION of which no LEGISLATED law or whatever has been generated.

    Why are they doing this? Because they want that if they come into power in the coming days, they still have the loopholes to escape through.

    We can hear politicians urging the public to do their share in guarding the elections, in reporting graft and corruption and other government wrong doings. But aren't they the ones given by the mandate of the people to do these things or at least promulgate laws so that these things are minimized? Politicians are always bickering on lapses and misfortunes of some government offices. Aren't they ashamed that these offices are just following the rules and laws that these crocodile politicians promulgate. Have they thought of these or they are just playing games with our hearts?

    People blaming people who are just implementing the laws the first set of people make. This is the reality which is not actually seen by many of the Filipinos. It is a struggle between reality and what is actually seen. The reality being politicians running the country (admin or opposition) promulgating laws for themselves and what is actually seen is a battle between two opposing political forces. The reality being these congress and senate members (pro or anti admin) are only making a fool out of the people and what is actually seen being them bickering over one another. We don't even see them grinning and smiling with each other. People are made to believe that they are there for the good of the country and yet what they are doing is the opposite.

    Some prominent members of our community saw this but they are not keen on exposing because they are targeting that someday they will be the ones up there.

    These may be pure conspiracy theory but who knows. Dig into the small conscience block in your mind and scrutinize the events that are happening and tell me: Is this real or not?

    I ask, you decide.

    Friday, December 09, 2005

    CHRISTMAS - What Is It?

    When we hear the word Christmas, many things comes to mind. Foremost will be gifts, oh gifts. Gifts which we are about to receive, and gifts that we are "obliged" to give. In my conversations with friends and 'kumpares' about christmas, I ask them what they feel about Christmas. Most of them say that the Philippines is getting poorer, that this Christmas will be dimmer this time around. True enough, seldom can I found these days homes with Christmas decorations. I ask some aetas visiting the office for 'pinaskuhan', why are they asking for it? They say it's Christmas. But when ask what is Christmas, they can't answer. I ask prominent persons in the community, what they think when they hear Christmas, they say it's the time for problems on where to get the funds to give. I ask other people about Christmas, they say it's the time to receive the longed 13th month pay and bonuses. I ask children about Christmas, it is, for them, a time to reap gifts prepared by Ninongs and Ninangs.

    If we scrutinize enough, we may see the other meaning of Christmas - commercialism. But is this the true meaning of Christmas? Seldom can we hear saying that Christmas is the time of Christ... That it is the time to focus on the birth of Christ, on what his birth has brought to the world.

    Christmas as prescribed, is the time of giving, gifts or whatever. We are taught to give, that it is better to give than to receive. But is this truly the essence of why there is Christmas?

    For so long a time, Christmas is celebrated, always celebrated in every nook of the world where Christ is known. Even in Muslim countries, Christmas is celebrated by a few believers. Long before the advent of commerce, probably, Christ's birth is being remembered.

    I am not a bible scholar nor I know everything about the history of Christmas. From what I learned and supposed to learn when I was a kid, Christmas is the time to forgive, a time to give something heartily, a time to contemplate on the blessings that we receive.

    A time to forgive.
    Christmas is the part of the year where reunions abound. Relatives come together for a get together party. Officemates do the usual Christmas parties. Hotels and restaurants are busy preparing for the catering that they are serving. It is merry-making for all. But it should also be time to ask forgiveness and forget all the little misunderstandings, even big ones. Because this is the time where everyone is present to witness the re-unification, if that's the word, of two suffering souls. This is more lasting than just a one-on-one confrontation. When Christ first enhaled his first oxygen, he started making sacrifices, his forgiving stance commenced which ended at the cross.

    A time to give something heartily.
    We may not know it but there are really times that you feel giving because it's the appropriate thing to do. There are also times that even if the situation calls for giving, we don't feel anything, just the obligation to give. Giving during Christmas should be different from giving in any other day of the year. It should be special. It may not be as grand as treating a whole orphanage to a good sumptuous meal but it should a well received and memorable one. Any gift is special as long as it is given with love. And try giving something but do it secretly. Give something to somebody through somebody to make it anonymous. It fells more satisfying seeing somebody happy because of you when that person doesn't know that it came from you.

    A time to contemplate on the blessings that we receive.
    In our day to day sacrifices and hardwork, we are given gifts from above. The life we live, the love we feel, the wisdom to know the difference between right and wrong, the strength we use to stride, everything we have each day are gifts. If we indulge enough into browsing our minds thinking of these little gifts that we have, don't you find any urge to celebrate it? Christmas is the time of the year to cherish the moments, happy or sad, to find ways how we can thank the Lord for it. Any good doings to compensate these gifts is good enough for Him. Let's thank Him this Christmas for the gifts, big or small, good or bad, for these made us what we are today.

    In the end, how can we separate Christmas from commercialism? How can we revert back to the old meaning of Christmas? How can we give without expecting something all because its Christmas? How can we thank the Lord above for all the things there is?

    If there will be an answer to this, Christmas will never be the same again because it will be so dull and boring.

    If so, are we here to celebrate Christmas the way it is celebrated today even if we know that its spirit is not the same as what its suppose to be? Are we here to continue giving gifts and hoping all the while that we receive gifts valuable than what we gave? Are we going to celebrate Christmas just because we are obliged to do so?

    Christmas as we see it today is confusing. We do something while we think of other things. It is a struggle between reality and what is actually seen. We can actually see people smiling and keep smiling because its Christmas but in reality, it's only superficial. Deep inside lies the problem on how to celebrate Christmas.

    Are you bothered by this article? I am not... This is just the fruit of some of my sleepless nights...

    Tuesday, December 06, 2005


    Here is a letter from a friend who is always there for me. Though, at times, I feel I neglected him...

    Hello My Friend:

    As you well know, we are getting closer to my birthday. Every year there is a celebration in my honor and I know that this year, again many people will be shopping for gifts, there'll be many radio announcements, TV commercials, and in every part of the world everyone will be it will be my birthday soon.

    It is really very nice to know, that at least once a year, people think of me, but some seems to not know the reason for the celebration. They have lots of fun, usually the dinner table is full of delicious food, pastries, fruits, assorted nuts and chocolates. The decorations are exquisite and there are many beautifully wrapped gifts. But, they forget to send me an invitation. And then a big fat man all dressed in red wearing a long white beard entered the room yelling Ho-Ho-Ho! He sat on the sofa and all the children ran to him, saying: "Santa Claus, Santa Claus" as if the party is in his honor!

    At midnight all the people began to hug each other; I extended my arms waiting for someone to hug me but no-one hugged me. Suddenly they all began to share gifts. When all had been opened, I looked to see if, maybe, there was one for me. I then understood that I was unwanted at that party and quietly left.

    Every year it gets worse. People only remember the gifts, the parties, to eat and drink, and nobody remembers me. I would like this Christmas that you allow me to enter into your life. I would like that
    you recognize the fact that almost two thousand years ago I came to this world to give my life for you, on the cross, to save you. Today, I only want that you believe this with all your heart.

    I want to share something with you. Today I am sending out many invitations and there is an
    invitation for you. I want to know if you wish to attend and I will make a reservation for you and write your name with golden letters in my great guest book. Only those on the guest list will be invited to the party. Be prepared because when all is ready you will be part of my great party.

    See you soon. I Love you!


    Ihope, like me, you are taking this wholeheartedly...

    Saturday, December 03, 2005

    Black Magic

    This is a very simple magic. Yet, if properly performed will create a ripple across the minds of the spectators... This is a very old trick. I don't know who originated it but I got the first taste of it from my mother...

    Effect: The performer goes out of the room or blind folded. While the performer is away or doesn't see anything, a spectator touches an object. This object is noted by a person chosen by the magician as his assistant. The magician gets back and he lets the assistant point to any object. The assistant does not do anything but point to any object. Once the noted object is selected, the magician wonderfully says "That is the one."

    How to perform: You've got to have an assistant. The secret is that the assistant should point to a black object before pointing to the object in question. If the object is black, then another black object must be pointed before the assistant points to this object. Performance is important in this aspect. The magician should create an impression that he is collecting thoughts from the audience.

    Practice this with a friend and the two of you will have a good start at magic...

    This is for now...

    Thursday, December 01, 2005


    Today, I have a very bad day playing basketball. I've been playing basketball for quite sometime now but it's only today that I have no synchronization whatsoever on my movements.

    In the first quarter, I already got two personal fouls. These fouls are just very minor. I have to blame the referees on this. This got into my nerve and I almost blew my top out. Good, my coach held me and told me not to tolerate the referees. But they really got into my system. I felt that I was the only one that they are training their eyes on... Coach pulled me out of the playing court because he knew I might be into something.

    In our team, I am labeled as the enforcer. I even got my call sign as Rodman. So just imagine how would I react on situations like these. The referees also knew about my spoils but it's only this game that they really are...*&&$)(*&(*)...

    Second quarter came and again two fouls were listed on the line where my name was listed. I've got no points, no rebounds, no nothing... All I got were fouls. It was very frustrating for me. I want to play a fair game yet these BULL-**^* referees ruined my day. I was benched the remaining eight minutes of the second quarter. It was really a bad day for our team coz one of our centers almost twisted his knees. I was out and then another teammate was on the brink of an injury. Good that he had recovered before the end of the first half...

    Our team trailed by five points at the end of the second quarter. And I always give the referee my tiger look. But I can only do so much. Referees are really in control of any basketball game. They can decide which team to emerge as the winner. As I looked at the referee who handed me three fouls which are not, I remember something. He was the referee of a game I played sometime in September where we ridiculed him because of his calls.

    My blood boiled when I realized he was trying to get even with me. I stared at him everytime he came near our bench. I haven't got this feeling in my entire basketball life. It's only this time that I encounter a basketball referee like this...

    The entire third quarter made my seat warm. I was so frustrated I blew a gulpful of water to the court when the same referee again made some erroneous calls on my teammate. I can understand the effort made by referees when they try to get a right call but this is too obvious. Our bench started to get hot. Calls made by the same referee seem to point against us.

    It was in the fourth quarter that I was again fielded. I tried not to commit any unnecessary movements so as not to provoke the referee. In the early part, there were times when I thought I can outjump or block a shot but I can't seem to get myself going.

    I pushed myself to focus on scoring and rebounding so I can get myself into a groove. I started to pluck some rebounds and moved to position a score but I can't shoot the ball. I can't even get it past the rim... I was so angry with myself I just blurted out a laugh.

    In the middle of the fourth quarter I got my goodbye foul. I was just standing there raising my hand and an opponent just barged into my body. It was NOT a foul. If it was a foul, it should have been the other guy. But the referee again made his decision. I haD five fouls, three rebounds and nothing else.

    Life is really made up of ups and downs.

    I know it will be hard for me to sleep tonight so I'll indulge myself into blogging...

    MAybe until the wee hours of the morning...