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  • Mga of the Week : August 10, 2010
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  • subterfuge - something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity.
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  • Some people never grow old enough to be mature.
  • Saturday, April 15, 2006

    Recollection at Aguakan Cold Spring Resort - Part 2

    The recollection started at 1:30 PM. The parents were facilitated by Rev. Nino and the kids were given lecture and entertained by another reverend. I'm sorry, this is one of my weakness, that of not remembering any new names.

    The facilitator discussed on marriage and family. Marrigae today is threatened by the constant agitation thru media. Soap operas and telenovelas seem to depict and evangelize single parenthood. Separation and divorce is somewhat justified in this everyday life in the boob tube. There is no TV program at primetime that focuses on family and its bindings, only family and its fragile situations. Volatile scenes about the tragedies of families which end up in separation abound the news.

    He provided some anecdotes on family strength and on how to cope with the cahllenges that comes with marriage. His "three or more=polygamy, two=bigamy, one=monotony" elicited some laughs. He touches on the human side of the husband and the ratatat side of a wife.

    All in all, he put us always on the situation of examining ourselves and how do we rate us according to the vows that we gave on the day of our marriage. Closeness between husband and wife seem to deteriorate as years go by. The closeness because of love is slowly eaten by the troubles and quarrels.

    The two hour and a half sermon and storytelling is just a pinch of the time that we spent in the resort but it did bring in some fresh hopes of love to emanate from within the hearts of those who attended. I, myself, realized some of my faults and my misdeeds. I may not be able to express these to my wife but I'm sure she can read this as well as observe the change in me.

    I hope that this continuation of a change in my life will continue to inspire me and put my in the right direction.

    Photos will be published soon.


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